2 Days Workshop on Freelancing


The Freelancing workshop was held on the Friday, January, 2020. The venue was Stepup IT Solutions. Workshop was conducted by the multi-talented, Mr Abu ul Hasan, fellow GCUF student, currently in the teaching field of computer science. He is an active freelance developer and adept outworker had years of experience with free lancing and has worked at Android Applications, a professional, minority owned IT service company. The process of learning is undone until you have the will to teach and carry forward; Abu ul Hasan’ success in free lancing has a lot of hard slog and he’s always eager to share the upshot with everyoneelse.

The event was conducted for the audience who is interested in free lancing. For many new freelancers (and even seasoned freelancers) who don’t have a strong referral base or a system for acquiring leads, this is one of the most challenging — and most misunderstood — aspects of the job. The workshop ought to revolve around the discussion about clients, setting your rates, writing proposals, or up-selling retainers and productised consulting.

The event was pretty well managed and had a significant turn out taking in account the efforts of the publicity team. Our versatile speaker had massed lab to speak to. The session was an interactive one, where our fellow spokesperson used his slides and web accounts to provide the basic insight to the students.


  •  The basic and most important thing in all this is your profile. It is what will get you that job or be the reason you lose to someone else. Don’t be afraid of spending hours on it! They will pay off in the end and be worth it. But how exactly to make a good profile?
  • A portfolio is the visual representation of all your work and experience. Portfolio along with your profile is the gist of you that attracts a particular client.
  • There is an hourly rate in your profile. This describes how much work you do. Its significance can be judged by the fact that it’s the first thing clients check out, along with skill set.
  • Bidding: Here comes the exciting part! The client shows the available budget range. You should - stay within range and close to average. Also provide the reasonable number of days you’ll need.
  • These platforms also provide freelancer tests. Upon completion they show as a badge on your profile, this attracts clients. However, you must know your stuff before taking a test, they are not as easy as they may seem. You know what they say, ‘Don’t judge a test by its title.’ No wait that was something else. But the point is don’t be overconfident. On Upwork.com, it is a MCQs based test, while freelancer.com, tests with a combination of tasks and MCQs.
  • Set up your skill sets. Upwork offers 10 skills at max while Freelancer offers 20. Add and verify certificates.

Start Time

1:30 PM


Finish Time

3:30 PM




Event Participants

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